Trello: Organizations and Boards: Difference between revisions

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<font size="6" face="verdana" color="#ff00ff">'''This page needs revision to be brought up to date with our [[Guerrilla Translation Reloaded Full Report | 2018 Relaunch]]</font>
== Overview ==
== Overview ==

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[[Category: Revise]]

Revision as of 11:30, 8 January 2019

This page needs revision to be brought up to date with our 2018 Relaunch


Trello organizations and boards are subject to change based on the needs of every phyle. Bigger projects may be extracted from their "motherboards" to be be developed in an independent board until completion.

  • Organizations: Are the main categories within the Trello system.
  • Boards Are subcategories within the organizations.

There's quite a few organization and boards. The reason for this is that it allows us to self-allocate to specific tasks. Most of the categories in this Wiki and our Loomio boards coincide with the hierarchy displayed in the Trello boards (Through, in this order, Organizations, boards and labels).

For other target language boards see International Phyle Trello Board List

The four "organizations" are:

If you'd rather see how they "hierarchy" works in a visual format, here's a Trello Organizations and Boards Mindmap.

Access to organizations and boards is based on level of involvement and commitment to the various aspects of the collective.



  • The "Guerrilla Translation" Organization is for projects related to pro-bono translation, copyediting and republishing. Divided into eight boards.
  1. GT Translation ENG
  2. GT Translation ES
  3. GT.ORG Publishing Schedule ENG
  4. GT.ES Publishing Schedule ES
  5. GT Republishing/Syndication ENG
  6. GT Re-pubicación/Sindicación ES
  7. GT Metablog and SM ENG
  8. GT Metablog and SM ESP

GT Translation ENG

  • Pro-bono Target-English translation and editing projects. Once selected, the board describes the translation, copyediting, formatting and publishing process in our [ English Language web-magazine]

GT Translation ES

  • Pro-bono Target-Spanish translation and editing projects. Once selected, the board describes the translation, copyediting, formatting and publishing process in our [ Spanish Language web-magazine]

GT.ORG Publishing Schedule ENG

  • This is a calendar board for easily visualising projects and they're publication date in our English language web-magazine:

GT.ES Publishing Schedule ES

  • This is a calendar board for easily visualising projects and they're publication date in our Spanish language web-magazine:

GT Republishing/Syndication ENG

  • For managing Target-English translations after being published in our blog. This is where the cards from the Translation boards go once they're published in GT.

GT Republishing/Syndication ES

  • For managing Target-Spanish translations after being published in our blog. This is where the cards from the Translation boards go once they're published in GT.

GT Blog & SM ENG

  • For target English non-translated or [b-translation] material which may be published in our webpages, or promoted on social media. This includes GT blog articles, extracts, memes, linking to our author biographies in Social Media etc.

GT Blog & SM ES

  • For target Spanish non-translated or [b-translation] material which may be published in our webpages, or promoted on social media. This includes GT Blog articles, extracts, memes, linking to our author biographies in Social Media etc.



  • The "GMC AGENCY" organization is for development and project management for paid projects. It is divided into two main boards Divided into six boards.
  1. GMC Agency -Target ENG
  2. Agency -Target ES

Additionally, there are client-specific boards here for organizations with whom we have ongoing work relationships. These are always listed after the main paid agency work boards.

GMC Agency - Target ENG

  • The GMC Agency - Target ENG board is for the development project management for target-English paid translation and editing projects. Bigger, ongoing projects are developed on other client specific boards present in the GMC Agency organization.

GMC Agency - Target ES

  • The GMC Agency - Target ES board is for the development project management for target-Spanish paid translation and editing projects. Bigger, ongoing projects are developed on other client specific boards present in the GMC Agency organization.



  • The "Books & Websites" organization is for specific full length book and complete website translation or editing projects that require multiple cards. This is distinct from the client specific boards in "GMC Agency", as the boards are name for projects (for example, a book title) not by the organization employing us multiple times for different projects.



  • The "Guerrilla Media Collective: Administration and Management" Organization is for all GMC administration and management tasks, regardless of target language. Divided into 3 boards:
  1. Community
  2. Sustainability
  3. Web-presence


  • For tasks related to our "internal" processes, including management, governance, training and the tools we use


  • For tasks related to our "external" business processes and general sustainability. Includes coop development, economic structures and plans for the extension of the collective.


  • For tasks related to the maintenance and development of both our own GMC webpages and Social Media Outlets, as well as our appearances in External media.