Trello Organizations and Boards Mindmap

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This page needs revision to be brought up to date with our 2018 Relaunch


This is an interactive Mindmap showing you how to get to the Trello Organizations and Boards you need! Click on the link below to access it:

How to use the Mindmap

This Mindmap works like a flowchart. By answering the questions on display you'll quickly arrive at the right board. You can unfold the "answers" by clicking on the "+" buttons. You can then fold them, move the map around and even access the actual boards through the links provided.

Press the "+" button to unfold the next level
Hover over the "link" button and the link to the Trello board with appear
Hover over the "Note" button to bring up a list explaining the colour codes for the board and links to Trello boards
You can scroll through the note and click on the links

More Resources

Mind 42 is pretty intuitive to use but, if you find it confusing, here are some additional resources.

Access and other boards

This Mindmap is more of an introduction, as there are also some project- or client-specific boards. You can read about these in the main Trello: Organizations and Boards entry.

Access to organizations and boards is based on level of involvement and commitment to the various aspects of the collective, this is done so we don't clutter up the boards with members who are not presently contributing to that particular board's tasks.