Talk:Proposed alterations to the original Open Enterprise Governance Model

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"What happens with income derived from previously completed GT pro-bono work? (republishing) For example, say that Al Jazeera publishes one of our Spanish to English Translations and pays us for it. In that case we consult with the author and inform her of what Al Jazeera has paid + our own internal credit assignment"

Guy: when we say 'The Author' do we mean the author of the original piece or the translator? I presume the former.

Stacco: Yes the former. I'll change it to "original author" to clarify. (Added)

"What happens when new members join after Legacy credits are paid off? Isn’t that unfair to the work of those members who’ve had to divest 25% of the value they’ve created to the Legacy income stream?"

Guy: Possibly we could stipulate that a percentage from new members goes towards the costs of the collective for a certain period of time, maybe 25% is too much but say 12%, and this could be spent on infrastructure (a new server, say).

Stacco: Totally. Another option is to use that to pay off some pro-bono credits. We're always gonna have "expenses" both external and in regards to what we "owe ourselves". I'm adding this in too. (Added)