Objectives 2014

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These are the mid-term objectives of our organization as of late May 2014. These objectives have been discussed on this Loomio thread


  • 1) Revamp our website to make it language-specific, and for ease of navigation. See Website Upgrade Project for more details (in progress, Autumn 2014).
  • 2) Consolidate the working dynamics for existing (and future) team members with clear guidelines, tasks, responsibilities and roles, offering a flexible choice of responsibilities and concomitant rewards based on individual, variable levels of engagement, and designed to be both accommodating and fair to all (in progress, Autumn 2014).
  • 3) Develop the agency side of our project (GMC) as a protocol within the CIC Coop (in progress, Autumn 2014).
  • 4) Working with our parent organization, the P2P Foundation, we’re continuing to research and develop new forms of international coop alliances in concert with las Indias, United Diversity and other players.
  • 5) Build a wiki, including co-writing documentation for our collaborative tools, resources, style guides and other linguistic specifics, and workflow /Wordpress tutorials. This is to provide bases and standards for future Guerrilla Translators (individual team members) or phyles (spin-off collectives operating under our principles and name) (near completion, Autumn 2014).
  • 6) Continue to develop an ongoing collaborative project focused on creating an international, networked book distribution system - including translation, promotion, production and distribution resources - working with a variety of Spanish and Latin American publishers and on-demand printers. This project is being developed in collaboration with author David Bollier, —using his book Think Like a Commoner in a Spanish translation as a "pilot" project— crowdfunding platform Goteo and publisher/distributor Traficantes de Sueños (in development, Fall/Winter 2014)
  • 7) Launch a crowdfund with Goteo (Spain), to gain support for the above collaborative project (creating an international networked book distribution system) (Fall 2014)
  • 8) Launch DIWOShop in collaboration with Diwo Coopand Freepress Coop, providing free translation and promotion services to ethical and environmentally-oriented enterprises. (Winter 2014)
  • 9) Ongoing participation in the customized development of specialized value-tracking software for our unique economic redistribution model, in conjunction with Mikorizal Software, Sensorica and other players (Late 2014-2015)
  • 10) Develop new target-language specific sister collectives (or “phyles”) of Guerrilla Translation/GMC, to build a multilingual network (2015-forward).