Love Circle

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The Love Circle serves the function of "Magazine editor". The circle chooses inspiring content that reflects our shared vision. More specifically, its duties include suggesting and prioritising certain content, maintaining an overall vision of the GT blog and taking care of the editing, formatting and publication process. It is important that the Love Circle ensures a regular flow of content being published on the blogs.

Other tasks of the Love Circle include:

  • tracking word counts and filling in the spreadsheet accordingly
  • creating Trello cards for each pro-bono translation and keeping them updated
  • finding authors/activists/thinkers to do interviews or create content for the blog which could then be translated.


All Guerrilla Translators and Editors belong to the Love Circle (including dating members), though anyone is welcome to suggest content. As in the Livelihood Circle, there are two Lovework stewards, for EN and ES respectively.

Both new and experienced members should be able to assume stewardship responsibilities, and this should make it easy to rotate regularly. Lovework stewards should maintain close communication with the Media steward to ensure a regular flow of information about blog content and to help promote this content properly.


It is very important to establish and maintain a regular rhythm of content being published on the blogs. In order to not fall behind in Lovework commitments, Guerrilla Translators and Editors are encouraged to participate in "Lovework Fridays", a quick check-in with each other about Lovework progress and a chance to co-work on pro-bono articles in a virtual office space.


  • TRELLO! TRELLO! TRELLO!: The importance of Trello cannot be stressed enough. It is the tool used for keeping track of Lovework articles in their various stages. Trello should be checked as part of the normal Monday Trello Check-In rhythm, but also on Lovework Fridays.
  • Loomio is used for suggesting new material, getting it approved or receiving feedback on potential Lovework material. There are dedicated thread for target EN and ES.
  • Wordpress is used for formatting and publication


The Love Circle maintains close connections with the Media Peers Circle in order to ensure that our content gets promoted and viewed. Lovework stewards should have access to Media Peers spreadsheets to indicate when content is/will be ready for publication and promotion.

The Lovework Circle may also communicate with Development in looking for opportunities to forge new relationships and build trust with other authors/organisations/publications to boost our blog content and readership.


  • Weekly Trello Check-In: As part of the Monday Trello board check and/or the Lovework Friday check-ins.
  • Lovework Fridays: This rhythm can serve as a way to prioritise Lovework and put Carework and Livelihood work on the back burner (if possible) to focus on our love projects. Check-in on the Lovework Slack channel and even organise a virtual office over Zoom, so that anyone who wants can work together in a community.
  • Biweekly Check-In: Biweekly check-ins (this could happen during or in conjunction with the Biweekly Sprint) should be used to connect the dots around content selection, production, formatting, editing, publication and promotion. This rhythm is aimed at maintaining a regular influx of new content onto the blogs.