List of English-language subject-specific Facebook Groups

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We've learned that Facebook posts get a lot more hits when shared in groups, rather than on our FB fanpage or our own personal accounts. The lists below are an essential part of any social media campaign. You can use this list in conjunction with any particular project's Social Media Matrix for easy access to strategic target groups.

We recommend you go through the list and right click on whichever groups you think would appreciate the material we have to share. Please, add all the groups you know along with any relevant info about them (i.e., Do they require the posts to be "on-topic" based on their criteria? Do they have lots of members? Are they full of trolls?)

NOTE: Many groups appear in more than one category. We offer a longer explanation in the first listing of each particular group.

List of groups by subject category

P2P/The Commons

1. P2P Open Facebook group

  • Although often mistaken for the "P2P Foundation Facebook Group", it isn't (a P2PF fanpage and nothing else). Interesting bunch, and great conversations.
  • 2246 members

2. Sharing Cities Network

  • Administered by Shareable's Mira Luna, it features a lot of content related to Shareable itself. They're more in line with our definition of what a true Sharing Economy would look like, rather than with "Sharewashing" initiatives.
  • 1441 members

3. The More Beautiful World

  • Great community gathered around the writing of Charles Eisenstein. Charles often contributes with both posts and comments, and the group is very nice and open to alternative lifestyles and ideas.
  • 6246 members


1. Friends of the C-Realm

  • A Community gathered around the (always excellent) C-Realm Podcast. It's a smart, diverse and well informed community. Some people there do favour "Collapsatarian views" and don't always take well to futurism or hacker/tech related items, but that's just an info point. Most folks are fine with these and many other subjects.
  • 1259 members

Activism, including the Occupy/15-M movements

1. P2P Open Facebook group (see description above)


"Artivism", Creative forms of activism, Culture jamming

Free Software/ Hacktivism

Environmental Sustainability and Resource Depletion

1. Friends of the C-Realm (see description above)

2. The More Beautiful World(see description above)

Social Justice, Geo Politics, Anti-Empire

Post-Growth, Resiliency, Permaculture

1. The More Beautiful World (see description above)

Food Security

Sharing Economy

Monetary Reform/New Economy

1. The More Beautiful World (See description above)

Futurism/Prefigurative Models

Spirituality, Consciousness

1. The More Beautiful World (See description above)


Maker Culture, 3D Printing, Fablabs