Browser-tab based workspaces

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Setting yourself up with the handful of online tools you need to get things done is as easy as a one-time procedure, and will keep everything within easy, visible access - not to mention, it will keep distractions to a minimum.

This is how we work, and we encourage you to try it for yourself. As always, we're on hand to help if you have any doubts or trouble getting started.

Remember, the aim is to have everything you need for only the kind of work you're setting out to do in the moment - nothing more, nothing less. With that in mind, you will likely need to do a few different setups, but again, once it's done, it's ready and waiting for you.

How to set up a BTBW

Firefox has instructions for setting up groups of tabs.

Suggested Examples

Daily management

Your GT/GMC daily management BTBW can be your "morning coffee" entry into GT-land. You can set it up to taste so you can easily see in place what's gone down since you last visited. Suggested bookmarks for a "Daily Management" workspace are.

  • Your own email. If you know how to use email filters (here's a handy guide for Gmail) you can have your own GT/GMC inbox and see everything related to our project at a glance.
  • Our Loomio landing page Here's where you can see all the discussions and decisions that related to GT/GMC at a quick glance. The most recent discussions are bumped to the top and any changes, votes or comments since you last visited will be highlighted. As Loomio is our main discussion and decision making tool it's very important that you visite this landing page often. (And add to the discussion, of course)
  • Your Trello updates page Are those Trello notifications driving you up the wall? No e-mail filtering Ninjahood? It's ok, you can turn Trello's email notification' totally have and just open this page daily to see what needs to get done (and who's doing it!). Remember, if Loomio is where you talk about what to do, Trello is the space where you organize all the materials to get it done. The url for this page varies by user, but you can easily reaching by hitting the "Bell" icon in the top right of any Trello board. Scroll down in the menu that pops up and hit "See all notification". This is the page you should bookmark. The route will be something like this:
  • Our Wiki's "Recent changes" page. So, if Loomio is where we discuss and decide, Trello where we "do stuff", then the Wiki is where we write all that we've learned in the process. We are continually updating the Wiki, you can either visit the Main Page for a more general overview, or the "Recent Changes" page linked above, to see what's new.
  • The Guerrilla Translators Keep up with your GT reading! You can have a quick glance to see if there's anything new and read it now, or send it to a e-book device.
  • Our web-magazine stats You can learn a lot from studying our stats, and it's just plain fun to think all those people are reading the stuff we do. It'll give you a good overview of our project's reach, who's linking to us, from what country etc.

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