Working Circles
All Guerrilla Translators are stewards of several areas. This means that, although they may not directly work in any of these or even be the main contributors, they are ultimately responsible for their upkeep. Unlike the more "permissionless" aspects of being a Casual member or the more lax standards of being a Transition Translator, Guerrilla Translators are expected to continually learn and improve in the areas they are working in. These general areas are known as working circles. The circles can be flexible, but they include:
- Community (includes mentoring, mutual support, rhythms, tools and group culture)
- Development (includes goals, structural organizational development)
- Communications (includes networking and alliances, social media, campaigns, etc)
- Sustainability (includes lines of work, client attention, funding, etc)
- Website Tech (includes development and maintenance of GT’s site, front and backend)
- Finance (Includes legal structure, taxes, invoices etc)
Circles are porous and not exclusive, but certain individuals will be the stewards for a circle. Who is part of what circle, circle stewards, etc are revised quarterly and recorded in the collective’s availability mapping page. Transition members are also expected to join various circles through their nine-month training, but they cannot become circle stewards until fully committed.
More Resources
- Working Circles section of the Governance Model
- Loomio Handbook entry on coordination.