This page gathers all the unique or re purposed terms we use at Guerrilla Media Collective/Translation etc. They are listed together and, sometimes, link to longer explanations. You can link directly to a glossary term within or outside the wiki.
Care Work
We distinguish between two mutually supporting types of carework
- Care work for the health of the collective: This is where the collective is seen as a living entity/system (Lucas 9000). Caring for its health means doing the admin and productive work necessary for it to be thriving,
- Care work for the living beings in the collective: These are the Guerrilla Translators, and we mutually care for and support each other.
What is Care work Reproductive Work section in Governance model V 2.0
"Task" is the word we use to define any particular example of administration managerial work, ie: both the backend, development and maintenance we need to carry out to keep the GT/GMC engine running.
Examples of a "Task" are:
- Writing articles for this wiki.
- Doing regular management on our websites.
- Investigating sustainability strategies.
- Giving support to community members.
Tasks are reflected in Trello cards.
Whenever there's procedure that consists of many different tasks (for example, all the managerial development work that goes into a book translation... but not the translation itself') we call it a #Project.