General Social Media Protocols

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"Social Media protocols" the various tasks that a Social Media Manager performs regularly. Briefly, the Social Media Manager takes care of our on a week by week basis. We actually encourage rotation is Social Media Management to keep it as fresh and exciting as possible.

These protocols are highly interrelated with other areas of the collective and, in particular, with the web-magazine, as we heavily promote every new translation that we publish and, furthermore, we also keep promoting translations long after the original date of publication (the benefits of featuring long-narrative content!). We also feature other non-translation content from the web-magazine, such as articles about GT/GMC, author bios etc.

We, like any other company or collective, also use Social Media to reflect stuff that we do outside of the web-magazine, such as interviews, events and personal appearances. We also, without fail, feature any republished translation featured elsewhere (other webpages, etc) through our own Social Media channels

Finally, we mainly feature our "own" stuff, but if any friends or sister collectives need a hand, we're certainly here to help, although that isn't the main focus of our Social Media Strategy.

Read on to find out more about our recommended Social Media Protocols and what we expect from all Social Media Managers.

Language Specific Managers

As some people in the collective are not totally fluent in both languaes, we've split social media management tasks by target language. As of now, all social-media pages are multilingual, so you'd be sharing the same space. (This may, however, be subject to change in the future)

What social media channels are we speaking of?

For most intent and purposes, the big "two and a half": Facebook, Twitter and, yes, G +. We eventually would like to branch out into non-netarchical Social Media, but most of the content posted will be in these three platforms. You can actually use practically the same format and content for both Fb and G+, Twitter is, however, a different story.

You'll also be using Youtube and Vimeo ocassionally, depending on the context, and, which is its own story. To see a full list of our current and projected Social Media channels, please read

Yearly Timeframe

Much like the web-magazine, we actively feature content in our social media channels

Weekly Schedule

SM hierarchy

Promoting new posts

Promoting events

Promoting republished material

Republishing extracts from Featured posts

Promoting previously published "Standard" translations

Republishing author bios