Ongoing Evaluation Criteria and Basic Responsibilities

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There is a summary of our ongoing evaluation and basic responsibilities requirements at the bottom of this page for quick reference. If this is the first time you visit this page, please read the preceding sections first.


We're a tight collective so ongoing communication and feedback are essential requirements. Although the survey and test process can give us a good idea of new applicant's suitability for the team, neither the applicant, nor the established members of the collective will be able determine whether both parts are successfully compatible until there's been a "burn in" period.

For translator-editor members we recommend starting by reading the The Tao of the Guerrilla Translator, our in-depth guide to selecting, translating, editing and publishing pro-bono material for our web magazine. At the same time, please take a look at our "quick start" guide to working in the collective , it's full of handy tips, links and guidelines.

Ongoing evaluation

In your first three months of working with the collective, we recommend that you take on a few pro-bono translation, editing or formatting tasks, as explained in The Tao of the Guerrilla Translator. Feel free to ask any questions during this process and we'll be on hand to answer and guide you through. We also recommend that you pay attention to our discussions in Loomio dealing with the ongoing development of the collective.

The pro-bono process will familiarise you with Trello our workflow tool and will prepare you to start taking on organizational work.

By the end of these 3 months (not counting holidays in-between) we expect you to have earned at least 400 credits. These can be a combination of translation, editing, formatting, subtitling or organizational work. This also gives you the ability to choose and suggest material for the web-magazine (as long as its in accordance with our Content Curation Guidelines. We've figured that 400 credits amounts to two days of full work, which, spread over a three month period, shouldn't be beyond anyone's capacity. If you do more than the basic minimum that will, of course, also be taken into account and valued highly.

Additionally, we also expect you to have met the basic responsibilities we all undertake within the collective (listed below). We'll also value whether you've joined at least one work-team and contributed to a number of organizational tasks (you can choose your team here).

We well then ask you to self evaluate your contribution to the collective, check that we're all happy to be working together, and generally see how they relationship is going.

If everything is dandy, more power to our great working relationship!! We will use this opportunity to determine together what the next steps are. This is also a good time to send us your bio, so we can share it on our website.

If things haven't worked out, that's fine too, shit happens. If we both feel the relationship is not what we hoped for, we will then "split amicably". All credits earned up to this point will be paid to you in accordance with our income redistribution plan until we're in the clear.

If we feel you're the greatest thing since pizza and cat-memes, but you want to go seek other opportunities, we will be sad to see you go, but your happiness with the collective is paramount and we will wish you the best on your new endeavours.

If you feel that we should keep working together, but we think that the relationship hasn't met the requirements we ask for here, we can make a deal. We will listen to each other's feedback and consult again in a months time. If we still don't agree, we'll have to say goodbye. Sorry!

Basic Responsibilities

Regardless of the workteams you may have joined, we think we should be clear on what’s expected of everyone in the collective, whether you just want to do pro-bono translation for the blog or you want to be a full working member of the co-op. These include.

  • Looking at Loomio on a regular basis, contributing to threads and voting on polls
  • Looking at Trello on a regular basis, specially the cards in which you’re involved (and following through)
  • Being serious with the Pro-bono deadlines and commitments.
  • Keeping up with deadlines and due dates.
  • Answering any communications and keeping the collective up to date about your availability.
  • Reposting all Guerrilla Translation Social Media in your own Social Media accounts. (Unless you hate it!)

After the initial 3-month trial period, there shouldn't be any confusion on how to carry out these basic commitments. For the benefit of anyone who may not have seen it, here’s the most efficient way of carrying out these very basic tasks: setting up a daily management Browser Tab Based Workspace.

Summary of ongoing Evaluation and Basic Responsibilities

Here are the main points related to the ongoing evaluation and the basic responsibilities of everyone working within the collective.

New applicants are expected to:

  • Read the Tao of the Guerrilla Translator, specially the sections more relevant to them.
  • Accrue a minimum of 400 credits (either New or Pro-Bono) by doing a number of pro-bono translations, editing or formatting tasks. You may also do organizational tasks to add to these credits.
  • Read through the wiki, specially the material listed in our Welcome page
  • Visit our Loomio Homepage on a regular basis, contributing to threads and voting on polls
  • Visit Trello on a regular basis, specially the cards in which you’re involved (and following through)
  • Join one or more Workteams.
  • Keep up with all deadlines and commitments in a professional and responsible manner.
  • Be familiar with our tools and procedures, specially Loomio, Trello and The Wiki and how the interact.
  • Answering any communications and keeping the collective up to date about your availability.
  • Reposting all Guerrilla Translation Social Media in your own Social Media accounts. (Unless you hate it!)