The Guerrilla Translation Handbooks

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Revision as of 10:54, 16 August 2019 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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The Guerrilla Translation Handbooks are our living guide to the day to day workings of the collective, structural and cultural.

The following is extracted from Let Me Handbook That For You: A User's Guide To Open Value Cooperativism, our introductory article to the handbooks:

Documentation is a very important aspect of the work that we do in Guerrilla Translation. As an experiment in Open Value Cooperativism, we expect to make mistakes and discover new ideas as we develop, grow and maintain our collective. We also realise that in forging our own path, we’ve created systems that are not always obvious to the uninitiated who may be interested in joining or just learning about our approach to collaboration. For this reason, we have dedicated a lot of time and effort to discussing, recording and presenting what we have learned and created. Sharing this information is part of our mission to create commons that contribute to the betterment of society and to encourage others to participate in the economy in ways that recognise and nurture all those involved.

Guerrilla Translation’s first major documentation project was the Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki. The wiki is a wealth of information about all things GT, but due to its non-linear format, it serves best as a reference for those who have some idea of what they’re looking for. To meet the needs of those approaching Guerrilla Translation for the first time, it was decided that a handbook would be necessary. [1]


Version Changes

Here is where we keep track of the online versions of the Handbook and what changes have gone into them.

  1. This decision was made back at our 2018 “GT Reloaded” meeting. We initially took our inspiration from the excellent Loomio and Enspiral Handbooks, but with our own GT twist.