The Tao of the Guerrilla Translator

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Welcome to the Tao of the Guerrilla Translator! The TotGT is a step-by-step itinerary describing the full journey of a translation project. The Tao is primarily centered on our pro-bono translation work and for material destined to be published in our web-magazine. On the other hand, much of the procedure described herein can be applied to the paid translation work we take on as an agency.

How to use this guide

Each of the different sections below thoroughly detail the different steps a “ project” takes, from reading an article and considering it for translation/curation, through translation and copyediting, to formatting, publishing and promoting it. Of courses we'll explore our workflow tools, but we'll also talk about the protocols we employ to optimize the tools.

Every section in this page contains a brief overview of each step in the process, as well as links to more thorough wiki entries describing the concrete aspects of each section. All sections will be accompanied by short screen-cast videos (once completed) explaining these processes. Keep in mind that the figure of the “Guerrilla Translator” described herein will be akin to the Hero with a Thousand Faces. We will show the Guerrilla Translator taking on different roles (curator, translator, copy editor, etc.) although in reality, some of these processes will be carried out by different persons within a project.

Finally, given the variety of material we have, this is not a one-size-fits-all guide. There will be exceptions, projects with different needs, and changes made to the procedures over time. The intention here isn’t to present an inviolable template, but an expedient way to make yourself familiar with our method. Once you feel comfortable with what we have outlined, you will likely expand on it and adapt it to both your own needs as a Guerrilla Translator as well as to the needs of each project. For this itinerary we have, as a working example, chosen a Standard Translation with no video content.

Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin….

Main steps in the Tao of the Guerrilla Translator

Before getting down to the nitty-gritty, we’d like to highlight four distinct areas in the process.

1: Content curation, choosing the team – Wherein the Guerrilla Translator reads something outstanding, wants to share it with the group, and together consider whether and how to organize the material as a project.

2: Pre-production, translation and copy editing process – Wherein the Guerrilla Translator inputs the material into our workflow system. Authors are contacted for permission and the material is translated and copyedited. This is the stage where additional tasks related to the project get identified, the necessary materials collected, and everything poised and placed for eventual action (images, extracts, additional needs, etc.)

3: Formatting, proofreading and publishing – Wherein the Guerrilla Translator takes the translated and copy edited text and formats it for publication in our web-magazine. Then, before releasing it to the world, she proofreads it one (hopefully) last time.

4. Social Media, post-production and re-publishing Wherein the Guerrilla Translator promotes the hell out of the great task she has accomplished, ties up any loose ends in this tale, and gives the project new life (and maybe lucrative sequels) by working to have it republished in different specific outlets.

Content curation, assignment of operatives

Selecting material

This is how every Guerrilla Translation begins. As we’ve often expressed, more than translators, we’re content curators sharing across languages. This makes content selection a vital part of the process, and something we take very seriously.

This is why we strive to select really high quality, powerful articles with no immediate "expiry date". Another factor is saturation, we really favour quality over quantity. Many blogs and webmagazines have a mistaken impression of the number of eyeball hours their audience is going to award them. So, in brief, we don't put out a huge amount of stuff, but what we choose to translate, has to be both high quality and concordant with our Founding Principles.

We also ask all new arrivals to translate 5000 words (or copyedit 10000) before suggesting material to be translated pro-bono.(Read the reasons why here. If you just starting out and what to choose from pre-selected material, please check out our reader's blog. (Which we'll talk about in the next section)

Links for this section

  • Curation Guidelines If you're unsure about what content is suitable for translations or not, please read this entry.

Sharing it on the Reading blog

Once you've selected some suitable material for pro-bono translation, it's time to present it to the rest of the collective in our Reading blog: "The Guerrilla Translators". The reading blog is place for us to share high quality curated material. We encourage everyone to read and comment on what's posted there, even if you choose not to take up any of the translations.

We choose to make the reading blog a Wordpress blog for two reasons:

  • It allows people to "vote" on articles (without the need to make a Loomio thread) and add comments.
  • It's an excellent introduction to posting in Wordpress (the process is simpler than in GT's web-magazine).

Material posted on the blog can currently fall under four categories:

1) English

2) Español

  • These correspond with source-language and are self explanatory. Then there we have:


4) Project Underway.

So, let's say you've chosen an article, you've ensured that it meets the curation guidelines and you're about to post it in the blog. The actual "technical procedure is detailed" here. The article will be categorised under their source language and as "NEW ARTICLES"

Now, other Guerrilla Translators read it. Whether articles are translated copyedited and published in our blog is decided by lazy majority. Every article in the Reading Blog has a poll with the same categories found in Loomio (Yes, No, Undecided, Block). If no one has has blocked the proposal and if there hasn't been a majority of "noes" the article is approved for translation/copediting and publication.

Approval and team assignment

Pre-production, translation and copy editing process

Creation of a project Trello card

Contacting Authors

Preparing for the next steps

Translation guidelines

From translation to copy editing, back to Trello

Copy editing Guidelines

Making the final copy

Formatting, proofreading and publishing

Formatting for Wordpress

How to post a Standard Translation


Scheduling and preparing Social Media


Social Media, post-production and re-publishing

Social Media Campaign

