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= Reproductive Work=
= Reproductive Work=

'''Reproductive work''' comprises all work tallied in [[Glossary#Care Hours | Care Hours]]. In Guerrilla Translation this includes all the necessary tasks to maintain GT in good health: Networking, website updates, mutual support, mentoring, development of GMC and its governance model, meetings, customer relations, social media. Dating and Committed members track their Care Hours, but only Committed members get monetarily compensated from these. (2018)  
'''Reproductive work''' comprises all work tallied in [[Glossary#Care Hours | Care Hours]]. In Guerrilla Translation this includes all the necessary tasks to maintain GT in good health: Networking, website updates, mutual support, mentoring, development of GMC and its governance model, meetings, customer relations, social media. Dating and Committed members track their Care Hours, but only Committed members get monetarily compensated from these. (*2018)  


* [[What is Care work?]]
* [[What is Care Work?]]
* [[Commons-Oriented_Open_Cooperative_Governance_Model_V_2.0#Reproductive_Work | Reproductive work section of V 2.0 of the Open Coop Governance model]]-
* [[Commons-Oriented_Open_Cooperative_Governance_Model_V_2.0#Reproductive_Work | Reproductive work section of V 2.0 of the Open Coop Governance model]]-

Revision as of 09:14, 25 August 2018

This page gathers all the unique or re purposed terms we use at Guerrilla Media Collective/Translation etc. They are listed together and, sometimes, link to longer explanations. You can link directly to a glossary term within or outside the wiki.

Care Hours

While productive work is tallied in Credits and (in Guerrilla Translation) based on wordcount, reproductive or Care Work is only tallied by hours. We currently time-track these hours using a tool call Toggl. During our Start-up Phase these hours are paid monetarily. After the start-up phase, the hours are not paid, but they influence each member's payment pipeline for productive work: if you do less carework hours but are monetarily benefiting through productive work payment built on the reproductive work of other members of the collective, your gains will be redistributed based on the care work hour ratio.

During the Start-up Phase, only Committed GMC Members can monetarily benefit from Care Work Hours (Transition Members are expected to contribute proportionally, but do not get paid.)

After the Start-up Phase all Committed Members are subject to the Hours ratio. Transition Members are subject proportionally.

Care Work

We distinguish between two mutually supporting types of carework

  • Care work for the health of the collective: This is where the collective is seen as a living entity/system (Lucas 9000). Caring for its health means doing the admin and productive work necessary for it to be thriving.
  • Care work for the living beings in the collective: These are the Guerrilla Translators, and we mutually care for and support each other.



Credits are our internal currencies. It's how we track and reward value added to the collective. There are two main types of credits:

Livelihood Credits


Love Credits

Love Credits reflect the contributions made to our #Love Work Stream. In Guerrilla Translation these are based on wordcount. 1 word equals one Euro. Love credits are tallied and then paid as part of our Monthly Pipeline

Needs to be finished with content from Credits section of Gov Model + links

Guerrilla Translators


Livelihood Work


Love Work


Monthly Pipeline


Open Cooperativism

The Guerrilla Media Collective is an Open Cooperative. Open Cooperativism is a strategy for Commons-oriented generative enterprises and a post-capitalist alternative to the Silicon Valley-flavored “Sharing” Economy. It combines the ideals of the Commons and Free Software with the traditions of the Cooperative Movement and the Social and Solidarity Economy.


Productive Work

Productive work comprises all work tallied in Credits. In Guerrilla Translation this includes paid/agency Livelihood Work and pro-bono Love Work.



Reproductive Work

Reproductive work comprises all work tallied in Care Hours. In Guerrilla Translation this includes all the necessary tasks to maintain GT in good health: Networking, website updates, mutual support, mentoring, development of GMC and its governance model, meetings, customer relations, social media. Dating and Committed members track their Care Hours, but only Committed members get monetarily compensated from these. (*2018)



Simplexity describes one of GT's goals. To have a governance structure that allows for diversity and many different personal circunstances o the back end, while making it all simple to use and understand in the front end. Simplexity is a big challenge which we take very seriously.

Start-up Phase

Period of time during which Guerrilla Translation/Media Collective needs seed funding to build resilience and open source tools to be a flagship example of Open Cooperativism. As of writing (August 2018) it is expected to last until mid-late 2020.


"Task" is the word we use to define any particular example of administration managerial work, ie: both the backend, development and maintenance we need to carry out to keep the GT/GMC engine running.

Examples of a "Task" are:

  • Writing articles for this wiki.
  • Doing regular management on our websites.
  • Investigating sustainability strategies.
  • Giving support to community members.

Tasks are reflected in Trello cards.

Whenever there's procedure that consists of many different tasks (for example, all the managerial development work that goes into a book translation... but not the translation itself') we call it a #Project.

Transition Translators



A blend of trust and transparency. This is what we aim for!