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    <h1>'''Guerrilla Media Collective'''</h1>
<h2 style="margin-top:0px"><font color="#ff00ff">'''A Wiki for Distributed Cooperative Practices'''</font></h2>
    <p>'''The Guerrilla Translation/Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki is the main knowledge base for the Guerrilla Media Collective and its offshoots (Guerrilla Translation, Guerrilla Graphic Collective, etc).'''

''"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.''

''You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.''
''That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."''
~ Buckminster Fuller ~

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<h3><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-child fa-2x"></span><br><br>Welcome!</h3>
First time here? Read our [[The Guerrilla Translation Handbook | Handbook]] or our go through our introductory sections.
<btn>Welcome to the Guerrilla Translation/Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki|Go »</btn></font>
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<h3><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-heart fa-2x"></span><br><br>Community</h3>
==== Help support our work ====
Community is at the heart of Guerrilla Media Collective. This section deals with everything related to our internal functioning as a collective and as a cooperative.
Show some love with [[File:Bitcoin-logo.jpg|75px]] '''13E2PjtLwaN2tYdzPx4TjUzHTcH1hn12oH'''
<btn>:Category: Community|Go »</btn></font>
or [[File:Btn donate LG.gif|90px |link=]] with Paypal.
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<h3><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-magic fa-2x"></span><br><br>Sustainability</h3>
=== Welcome to the P2P Foundation ===
Our Sustainability section deals with everything related to our finances, fundraising, legal structure and clients.
The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This website is our knowledge commons and it's collaboratively built by our community. '''[[P2P Foundation:About|Learn more...]]'''
<btn>Category:Sustainability|Go »</btn></font></div>
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<h3><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-tools fa-2x""></span><br><br>Tools</h3>
The Tools section of the wiki explains what tools we use, why we use them and how they fit together.
<btn>Category:Tools|Go »</btn></font>
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<div style="float:right; background-color:#f9f9f9; padding:10px; margin: 0 0 20px 0; border:1px grey solid; width:46%; height: 160px; " align="left">
===Towards an Open and Autonomous Internet and Society===
* Check out the FLOK Society project: [ Bauwens Joins Ecuador in Planning a Commons-based, P2P Economy]
* Check out our directory of [[Product_Hacking|Open Hardware and Open Manufacturing Initiatives]]
* Check out the published work of [[P2P_Lab_Publications|P2P Lab]]

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<h2><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-laptop"></span> Media Peers</h2>
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The Media Peers section of the wiki deals with everything related to the "outside": Social media, alliances, events, etc
<btn>Category:Media_Peers|Go »</btn></font>
= The Foundation =
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== Our Ideas ==
<h2><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-book"></span> Governance</h2>
While Governance is intrinsically tied to community we have reserved this category for our specific governance model and its version history.
*[[P2P_Foundation:About | About The P2P Foundation]] and our [ Research]
<btn>Category: Governance|Go »</btn></font>
*[[Our Understanding of P2P]]
*[[Manifesto | P2P and Human Evolution]]
*[[P2P Meme Map | The P2P Meme Map]]
*[[P2P Foundation Legal Advisory Board]]
*The Best P2P Essays [ 1] [ 2]
*[[Bibliography of Michel Bauwens]]
== Our Key Resources ==
*[ The P2P News Blog]
*[ What’s New in the Wiki]
*[ Wiki RSS Feed]
*[[P2P Foundation RSS Feeds]]
==Join Our Learning Community!==
*[[P2P Foundation Email Lists]]
*[ Twitter]
*[ Facebook]
*[[P2P Foundation IRC Channel]]
*[ Google+ Community]
*[ Google+ Page]
*[ Youtube]
*[ Reddit]
*[ Ning]
== Learning More ==
* [ P2P Bookstore]
* [[P2P Foundation Participation in Scientific Symposia]]
* '''[[P2P Seminars]] & ([[Testimonials]])'''
* [[Our Expert Database]]
* [ Watch this P2P lecture!]
* [ Listen to this Podcast]
* [ Read this Interview]
== Who We Are ==
*[[P2P Foundation People|Members]]
*[[:Category:ActiveContributor|Wiki Active Contributors]]
*[ The P2P Lab, Greece]
== Overview of P2P Transition Proposals ==
* Las Indias summarizes recent p2p thinking from the period 2012-2013 []
* a good summary of the triarchical proposal to simultaneously transform civil society, the market and the state []
* the key institutional concepts of the [[Partner State]] and [[Public-Commons Partnerships]]
* [[PART THREE: THE HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF MATURE PEER PRODUCTION: TOWARDS A COMMONS-ORIENTED ECONOMY AND SOCIETY| Transition proposals towards a Commons-oriented economy and society]] (part of a Bauwens' & Kostakis' forthcoming book)
* political organizing:
**1) local change through civic Alliances of the Commons and Chamber of the Commons producing social charters to recreate local political majorities [\] ;
**2) the global alliance of the commons at nation-state level and beyond []
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=  Topics =
'''We are looking for maintainers for our subject pages! Interested?'''
==The P2P Paradigms==
*[[:Category:Peerproduction | Peer Production]] via [[:Category:Open | Open and Free Input]]
*[[:Category:Peergovernance | Peer Governance]] via [[:Category:Participation | Participatory Processes]]
*[[:Category:Peerproperty | Peer Property]] via [[:Category:Commons | Commons Output]]
See also:
*[[:Category:Cooperation | Cooperation]] and [[:Category:Sharing | Sharing]]
==The Three Aspects of Application in Society==
#[[:Category:Civil Society | P2P Civil Society Approaches]]
#[[:Category:P2P Market Approaches | P2P Market Approaches]]
#[[:Category:P2P State Approaches | P2P State Approaches]]
* '''[ Transitioning to a P2P Society]'''
==The Peer-Driven Collaborative and Ethical Economy==
[[:Category:Collaborative Economy | Collaborative Economic Practices]]
using new
[[:Category:Open Company Formats | Open Company Formats]].
[[:Category:Sharing | Mutualizing Infrastructures]]
[[:Category:Business Models | Open Business Models]]
[[:Category:Peerfunding |Crowdfunding and P2P Finance]]
based on
[[:Category:P2P Accounting | P2P Value Metrics]]
enabled through
[[:Category:P2P Law | Legal Infrastructure]]
and true
[[:Category:P2P Infrastructure | P2P Technological Infrastructure]].
Building a
[[:Category:Design | Shared Innovation Commons]]
[[:Category:Manufacturing | Open and Distributed Manufacturing]]
==New P2P Culture==
* [[:Category:Art | Art]]
* [[:Category:Intelligence | Collective Intelligence]]
* [[:Category:Culture | Culture]]
* [[:Category:Education | Education and Learning]]
* [[:Category:Facilitation | Group Facilitation]]
* [[:Category:Media | Media]]
* [[:Category:Relational | P2P Relationships]]
* [[:Category:Spirituality | Spirituality]]
* [[:Category:Agrifood | Agriculture and Food]]
* [[:Category:Ecology | Ecology and Sustainablity]]
* [[:Category:Economics | Economics]]
* [[:Category:Energy | Energy]]
* [[:Category:Gaming | P2P Gaming and 3D Metaverses]]
* [[:Category:Geography | Geography and Mapping]]
* [[:Category:Labor | Labor]]
* [[:Category:Licensing | Licensing]]
* [[:Category:Money | Money and Finance]]
* [[:Category:Music | Music]]
* [[:Category:Standards | Open Standards]]
* [[:Category:Policy | Policy]]
* [[:Category:Politics | Politics]]
* [[:Category:Science | Science]]
* [[:Category:Security | Security and Warfare]]
* [[:Category:Taxation | Taxation]]
* [[:Category:Technology | Technology]]
* [[:Category:Transportation | Transportation]]
* [[:Category:Villages | P2P Villages]] & [[:Category:Urbanism | Cities]]
==How P2P Influences Society==
*[[:Category:Business | Overview of P2P in Business]]
*[[:Category:Governance | Overview of P2P in Governance]]
*[[:Category:IP | P2P and Intellectual Property]]
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= Resources =
[[:Category:Cases | Case Studies]]
[[:Category:Companies | Companies]] with P2P business models
[[:Category:Conferences | Conferences]] on P2P topics
[[:Category:Courses | Courses]]: P2P Curricula
[[:Category:Encyclopedia | Encyclopedia]] : '''New!''' [ Mini-version]
[[:Category:Events Calendar | Events Calendar]]
[[:Category:Individuals | Individuals]], Who's Who in P2P
[[:Category:Licensing | Licences]]: open and free licenses
[[:Category:Maps | Maps]]
[[:Category:Movements | Movements]], P2P and commons-rriented org's
[[:Category:Reference | Reference]]
[[:Category:Research | Research]] on P2P
[[:Category:Resources | Resources]] and tools
[[:Category:Standards | Standards]]
[[:Category:Statistics | Statistics]] on P2P trends
== Media Resources ==
[[:Category:Articles | Articles on P2P topics]]
[[:Category:Books | Books on P2P topics]]
[[:Category:Fiction | Fiction with P2P themes]]
[[:Category:Graphics | Graphics to use in presentations]]
[[:Category:Podcasts | Podcasts and Audio]]
[[:Category:Webcasts | Webcasts and Video]]
== Special Individual Projects ==
We're urgently looking for female-led projects for this space!
*[[Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy | Book in progress by V. Kostakis & M. Bauwens]]
*[[:Category:EthicalEconomy | Adam Arvidsson's Ethical Economy]]
*[[:Category:Community Economics | Allen Butcher's Community Economics]]
*[[:Category:OpenCapital | Chris Cook's Open Capital approach]]
*[[:Category:User Owned | Patrick Anderson's User Ownership Theory]]
*[[Free Tax Project‎|Péter Mázsa's Free Tax Project‎]]
*[[Transfinancial Economics |Robert Searle's Transfinancial Economics]]
*[[:Category:Paradigms |Thomas Kalka's Key P2P Concepts]]
*[[:Category:Synergy |Timothy Wilken's Synergic Projects]]
*[[:Category:RBE |TZM proposals for a Resource-Based Economy]]
== Other P2P Foundation Projects ==
*[[Collaboration Platform Projects|Cooperation for Social Action]]
*[[Core Peer-2-Peer Collaboration Principles| Core Peer-2-Peer Collaboration Principles Initiator Ryan Lanham]]
*[[Distributed Manufacturing Collaborative Platforms]]
*[[List of P2P Researchers]]
*[[List of European Policy Consultants|List of European Policy Consultants - Celia Blanco]]
*[[Participatory Spirituality Conference]]
*[[P2P Cities|P2P Cities : Open Cities]]
*[[P2P Public Intellectuals]]
*[[P2P Theory Books]]
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== [[:Category:Languages|Languages]] ==
[[Catalan-Language]] ; [[Chinese-Language]] - [[Croation-Language]] - [[:Category:Dutch | Dutch-Language]] - [[:Category:French | French-Language]] - [[German language | German-Language]] - [[Greek-Language]] - [[Hungarian-Language]] - [[Italian-Language]] - [[Latvian-Language]] - [[Malayalam-Language]] - [[Mongolian-Language]] - [[Polish-Language]] - [[Portuguese-Language]] - [[Romanian-Language]] - [[Russian-Language]] - [[Spanish-Language]] - [[Swedish-Language]] - [[Thai-Language]] - [[Serbian-Language]]
=== Country Resources ===
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[[Egypt]] [[Morocco]] [[Kenya]] [[South Africa]] [[Zimbabwe]]
[[Arab Countries]]
[[Bangladesh]] [[Burma]] [[Cambodia]] [[China]] [[Hong Kong]] [[India]] [[Japan]] [[Malaysia]] [[Nepal]] [[Pakistan]] [[Philippines]] [[Singapore]] [[South Korea]] [[Taiwan]] [[Thailand]]
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====[[Central and South America]]====
[[Argentina]]  [[Brazil]] [[Chili]]  [[Colombia]] [[Ecuador]] [[Mexico]] [[Peru]] [[Uruguay]] [[Venezuela]]
[[Austria]] [[Belgium]] [[Bulgaria]] [[Finland]] [[France]] [[Germany]] [[Greece]] [[Ireland]] [[Italy]] [[Netherlands]] [[Poland]] [[Portugal]] [[Russia]]  [[Spain]] [[Sweden]] [[UK]] [[Ukraine]]
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====[[North America]]====
[[Canada]] [[United States]]
[[Australia]] [[New Zealand]]
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== Our aims ==
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'''We function as a clearinghouse for open/free, participatory/p2p and commons-oriented initiatives.'''
We aim to be a pluralist network to document, research, and promote peer to peer alternatives. Our political aims could be summarized under the following maxims:
# ending the destruction of the biosphere by abandoning the dangerous conceptions of pseudo-abundance in the natural world (i.e. based on the assumption that natural resources are infinite);
# promoting free cultural exchange by abandoning the innovation-inhibiting conceptions of pseudo-scarcity in the cultural world (i.e. based on the assumption that the free flow of culture needs to be restricted through excessive copyrights etc...).
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'''Can we help you? How to support us?'''
#[[How you can help us?]]; [[How To Contribute]]; [[Help:Editing|How to Write for our Wiki]]; [[P2P Foundation Wiki Requested Articles]]
# '''We are conducting [[P2P Seminars]] to assist individuals, organizations and society at large in their efforts to adapt to the new participative world''' based on social innovation. See the [[Testimonials]] page for some reactions. And here is a version of our slide presentation at [ Slideshare]
#Support the P2P Foundation by buying your books at our [ Bookstore]
#[[Why is participation to the P2P Foundation not totally open?]]
#[[Important notice on COPYRIGHT]]: '''Fair Use Notice'''
== What our visitors are interested in ==
Currently this wiki contains
* '''{{NUMBEROFPAGES}} content pages''' with {{NUMBEROFEDITS:R}} total editions.
*  '''{{NUMBEROFUSERS:R}} registered users'''
This wiki have been visited more than '''23,511,999'''; our home page was visited 1,144,923  times. (updated September 04, 2012)
See [] and [] for an insight into our influence through retweets.
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===15 most popular articles===
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<h2><font color="#000000"><span class="fa fa-link"></span> More Categories</h2>
Our front page only features a selection of some of our main categories, but there are many more and you can read about them here.
<btn>Special:Categories|See all categories »</btn></font>

[[image:3DLI.jpg|100px|link=]] [[image: appropedia.png|100px|link=]] [[image: espians.png|100px|link=]] [[image:fing.png|100px|link=]] [[image:globalvillagenetwork.jpg|115px|link=]] [[image:hipatia.png|85px|link=]] [[image:openmaterials.gif|85px|link=]]
[[image:open_source_ecology.jpg|100px|link=]] [[image:OpenKollab.jpg|130px|link=]][[image:openmanufacturing.png|90px|link=]] [[image:ox.png|100px|link=]] [[image:platoniq.gif|85px|link=]] [[image:uniteddiversity.jpg|85px|link=]] [[image:Ec_logo.JPG|85px|Entrepreneur Commons|link=]] [[image:thetransitioner.jpg|110px|link=]][[File:Openp2pdesign-p2pwiki-small.png‎|link=]]
[[File:Ethicalmarketsmed.jpg|100px|link=]] [[File:Ffi.png|100px|link=]]

Friends and partners: [ Appropedia] ; [ Espians] ; [ Fing] ; [ Global Village Network] ; [ Global Swadeshi] ; [ Hipatia] ; [ The Hub] ; [ Institute for Distributed Creativity] ; [ Oekonux] ; [ Open Source Ecology] ; [  OpenKollab] ; [ openMaterials] ; [ Open Manufacturing] ; [] ; [[P2P Research Group]] ; [ Platoniq] ; [ United Diversity]; [ Entrepreneur Commons];  [ Ethical Markets TV]

See also: [ Our Wiki Neighbours]
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<small>[[Guerrilla Media Collective S.Coop.And de Interés Social]] '''CIF:''' F90433020

== Getting started ==
C/Nobel, Edificio Boudere III, Planta 3, Puerta 2. Pol. Pisa, Mairena del Aljarafe, 41927, Seville, Spain</small>
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Latest revision as of 13:41, 20 October 2020

Guerrilla Media Collective

A Wiki for Distributed Cooperative Practices

The Guerrilla Translation/Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki is the main knowledge base for the Guerrilla Media Collective and its offshoots (Guerrilla Translation, Guerrilla Graphic Collective, etc).


First time here? Read our Handbook or our go through our introductory sections.


Community is at the heart of Guerrilla Media Collective. This section deals with everything related to our internal functioning as a collective and as a cooperative.


Our Sustainability section deals with everything related to our finances, fundraising, legal structure and clients.


The Tools section of the wiki explains what tools we use, why we use them and how they fit together.

Media Peers

The Media Peers section of the wiki deals with everything related to the "outside": Social media, alliances, events, etc


While Governance is intrinsically tied to community we have reserved this category for our specific governance model and its version history.

More Categories

Our front page only features a selection of some of our main categories, but there are many more and you can read about them here.

Built on Mediawiki and Tweeki

If no other source is specified, the translated and original contents of this website are licensed
under a Peer Production, P2P Attribution-ConditionalNonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicense.

Guerrilla Media Collective S.Coop.And de Interés Social CIF: F90433020

C/Nobel, Edificio Boudere III, Planta 3, Puerta 2. Pol. Pisa, Mairena del Aljarafe, 41927, Seville, Spain